OUToor Track and field 2025
General Outdoor Program Information:
Head Coach: Chris Conley, chris_conley@saratogaschools.org
Assistant Coaches: Shane Zanetti, s_zanetti@saratogaschools.org, Tom Reilly, t_reilly@saratogaschools.org, and Jon Hoek, jhoek@nycap.rr.com
Modified Coach: Tim Horst, t_horst@saratogaschools.org
Communication: Please do these 3 things ASAP
1. Visit our website: https://www.saratogaxctf.com/outdoor-track
2. Make sure you have the Student Square App downloaded and you have your text notifications turned on and set to receive information immediately (not in the digest)
3. Join our Team Canvas Page: (many of you are on already)
- Official practice for Grades 9-12 begins on March 17 at 2:45pm at the high school.
- Official practice for Grades 7-8 begins on March 31 at 2:45pm at the high school
- We will meet at the high school for all levels. On certain days, we MAY meet at another location. Coaches will communicate this information as needed via Student Square, and more in-depth updates will be shared.
- There is a bus that will drop Maple Ave. students at the high school. From there, they can change in our locker room and meet with the high school athletes. Parents pickup from the high school once practice is over.
- 6 days a week, Monday- Saturday. On school days practice will start at 2:45 sharp and finish between around 5pm (each event group may be a little different). On days we do not have school we will practice at 9am and will be done between around 11am.
- Practice occurs in event groups. Please consider where you'd like to train (Coaches will also offer input)
Sprint/Jump/Hurdle- Coach Conley
Mid-Distance and Hurdle- Coach Reilly
Distance- Coach Zanetti
Throws- Coach Hoek
- Good running shoes: Nike Pegasus, Saucony Endorphin Speed, and Asics Nova are a few popular suggestions. See the experts at Irun Local or Fleet Feet for more information.
- A running watch- usually $20-30 at Target or Wal-Mart. THIS IS A NEED!!
- Clothing for weather on the given day. We practice in almost any conditions.
Uniforms: Tops will be provided by the team. These are to be worn at meets throughout the season and then returned at the end of the season. A team-issued top is necessary to compete.
Shorts- these can be purchased from the team using our online store. This will allow athletes to wear clean and unused shorts during competition as well as in practice if they choose. Uniform shorts are necessary to compete. See the link at the top of the page.
Jackets- these are optional and can also be purchased from these can be purchased from the team using our online store. These are not required to compete but look great at the meets and help protect against bad weather. See the link at the top of the page.
- Registration must be completed and submitted on Arbiter Sports. Sign up for the appropriate level of Boys Outdoor Track. Link below
- Make sure your physical is up to date
- On the school website under athletics it walks you through Arbiter Sports if necessary!
- If you did NOT create an account last year, you must create one. Then sign up.
- If you did create an account last year, you just need to log in, update any necessary information, and sign up.
- Exceptional middle schoolers made be asked to "move up" to JV or Varsity. This will require a physical fitness test and the APP Paperwork below should be completed. Coaches will handle this on an individual basis. Testing dates will be communicated to those who are asked to participate (March 4-5 at Maple Ave). Most middle schoolers will not be asked to do this and will compete on Modified.
Meet Schedules (Varsity/JV and Modified)

Registration Links- APP documents and Arbiter Sports Link

Fundraiser Documents